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Made from the fibers of the jute plant, burlap is a textile fabric that’s one of the oldest and most widely used in human history. Presently, the jute plant is second to cotton in terms of amount grown yearly and variety of applications and uses. A course and rough fabric by nature, burlap is ideal for any number of uses around the job site.

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Product Description

Made from the fibers of the jute plant, burlap is a textile fabric that’s one of the oldest and most widely used in human history. Presently, the jute plant is second to cotton in terms of amount grown yearly and variety of applications and uses. A course and rough fabric by nature, burlap is ideal for any number of uses around the job site.


Manufacturer Info

Max Katz Bag Company

Max Katz Bag Company, Inc. has built its foundation on growth oriented business practices which facilitate creative thinking and involvement from all employees. The Company is always changing and improving its processes in creating a better team-based positive work environment.

We constantly strive to improve our products and customer service. As a growth oriented company, we are continually reinvesting in the form of new machinery, quality processes, technology, safety devices, along with training and other such forms of reinvestment.


Product Features

Size 5 x 300 Feet