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Bar Support Subcategories

Bar Support Products

Anchor Chair Rebar Support Products
One huge benefit of FRP rebar is its weight. The lower density however, sometimes needs assistance staying anchored on grade. Our cavity fills prior to the pour hitting the FRP rebar grid and the firm lock holds it down.
Aztec® Castle Chair
The PCC Aztec® Castle Chair is an individual, plastic, bar support used to maintain the elevation of rebar in reinforced concrete. They consist of a cone-shaped body, rebar saddles, and a wide base. PCC Aztec Castle Chairs are manufactured in the USA.
Aztec® E-Z Chair®
The Aztec® E-Z Chair® - PEZ is used for single mat- rebar or wire mesh, bottom layer double mat rebar or wire mesh, tilt-wall, side-form spacer, on-grade: when used with sand plate.
Aztec® E-Z Lok Slab Bolster™
E-Z Lok Slab Bolster provides strong, stable support and spacer for rebar in slab or wall applications.
Aztec® Straddle Chair™
The AZTEC® Straddle Chair is molded using high-quality composite plastic that easily endures the large temperature extremes found on the jobsite without sagging or breaking, while Dayton Superior’s unique geometry provides excellent load capacity.
Aztec® Strongback Beam Bolster
The PSBB bar support consists of a 30” section of rebar support made for composite material with interlocking ends for joining two or more sections together to create a continuous length of beam bolster.
Aztec® Tower Chair™
The PTC Aztec® Tower Chair™ is an individual, all plastic rebar chair used to maintain the elevation of rebar in reinforced concrete. The PTC consists of a one-piece base molded from composite material and various height inserts to develop the required cover height. The Aztec® Tower Chair™ is constructed from USA manufactured materials and will not shatter in cold climates or sag in hot climates.
Continuous High Chair
The CHC Continuous High Chair is a continuous metal bar support used to maintain the elevation of rebar in reinforced concrete. They consist of a top supporting wire connected by evenly spaced legs. Continuous High Chairs are melted, rolled, and manufactured in the USA.
Continuous High Chair Upper
The CHCU Continuous High Chair Upper is a continuous metal bar support used to maintain the elevation of rebar in reinforced concrete. They consist of two runner wires and a top supporting wire connected by evenly spaced legs. Continuous High Chair Uppers are melted, rolled, and manufactured in the USA.
Continuous High Chair with Plate
The CHC Continuous High Chair is a continuous metal bar support used to maintain the elevation of rebar in reinforced concrete. They consist of a top supporting wire connected by evenly spaced legs welded to two continuous base place. Continuous High Chairs are manufactured in the USA.
Individual High Chair
Dayton Superior's Individual High Chair is used to support upper steel directly or by means of a carrier bar. Available in 2" to 15" heights in bright basic, plastic protected, epoxy-coated, or galvanized wire.
PCGCB Chair Rebar Support Products
Simply the best, strongest grade chair with a base in the industry.